Beware heat stress in your pet this summer

The season of boardies, BBQs and backyard cricket is just around the corner. Australians live for the warmer months, but it’s important to remember that not all pets feel the same way.

Heat stress in pets is common in Australia – and it can be a killer! All pets are at risk but brachycephalic dogs with a short nose (such as pugs and bulldogs), overweight pets, pets with heart or respiratory problems or those with thick, furry coats are at greatest risk.

With temperatures soon set to rise in Canungra, Tamborine Mountain, Yarrabilba and surrounding suburbs, it is incredibly important you consider the safety and comfort of your pet before leaving the house.

How do I recognise heat stress in my pet?

There are a number of signs to watch out for that can indicate heat stress in your pet.

  • Excessive panting
  • Drooling
  • Extreme lethargy
  • Staggering
  • Weakness and collapse
  • Seizures

If you think your pet is suffering from heat stress, you should call is immediately. The condition is an emergency and any delay could be fatal for your pet.

So what’s the best way to avoid heat stress?

  • You wouldn’t leave your child in a hot car and you shouldn’t leave your pet in one either. Temperatures can reach dangerous levels in minutes, even on a mild day. Parking in the shade or leaving the windows partially open is not acceptable.
  • Never exercise your pet on a warm day – stick to the cool of the morning or evening – or if necessary skip exercise altogether.
  • Some pets will need to have their heavy coat shaved to provide some relief from the heat. Call our friendly team if you need advice on shaving your pet.
  • Most importantly, ensure your pet has access shade and cool water at all times. On extremely hot days, your pet may need to be kept inside.

Slip, slop, slap and keep your pet cool before you hit the beach this summer. Follow these steps and your pet will enjoy the warmer months just as much as you will.

If you are ever worried about your pet you should call us for advice, we are always here to help.